Friday, March 23, 2012

Another Awesome Upcoming Event

I was super excited to hear about Razorbill is offically planning an event for the launching of Razorbill. Even more excited when I found out that they were coming to Chapters and not just any Chapters but the one that is literally five minutes from my house. There is also signings happening in British Columbia and Toronto.

We don't get alot of young adult events at this location because of probably the location and turn out. Sadly most of the events will happen down town. The last young adult authors to come to this location was in 2009 when Kelley Armstrong, Scott Westerfield, Holly Black and Casssandra Clare came. Both of the events were a huge turn out and tons of people showed up.

So I am excited to say that the following authors will be making a Montreal appearance:
 Jay Asher (so excited because I have both books. Just need to read Thirteen Reasons Why now)
 (I am so thrilled Lesley Livingston is a part of this tour. I have all the books apart from Tempestuous which I will have to pick up before the event.)
Charles de Lint is the author of several books but this is the only one that I own. So I will be reading this one very soon, definitely before the event. I love that this is the first book in a series.

So I will be attending this awesome event, will you? If you are planning on attending please let me know and perhaps we can do something after the signing. We could invade the Starbucks upstairs.
The event is happening:
April 18th, 2012 @ 7pm in Pointe Claire, Quebec


  1. I really wish I could go, but since its 9 days before my due day, I don't even dare hoping. + there's no way I'm riding the bus from Rosemont to pointe claire.
    Sucks =(

  2. Cindy, you do know that the Pointe Claire Chapters is downtown Chapters poor cousin right? LOL

  3. Oh my god! I hope I don't work that day! LOL I'll looking for this! Thanks for the info!

    Proserpine O.o


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