Wednesday, April 18, 2012

(Author Event) Three Amazing Authors in one Building

Tonight was the night I have been looking forward to since it was announced a little while ago on the Razorbill site. I was super excited and couldn't wait for it. Montreal was on the tour stop on promoting
Jay Asher, Lesley Livingston and Charles de Lint were going to be in my neck of the woods tonight for a book signing. Honestly when I first saw this on the Razorbill site I have my reservations that Montreal would get enough votes to bring the authors here and apparently we did because there were coming.
Thankfully being an early bird paid off because there was give aways. I think these were suppose to be given out during the Q&A but the manager from Chapters decided he wanted to be Oprah so he gave out the prizes before hand.

I was lucky enough to get the poster that says "Read. Post. Share, talk to the bird" I love it and well be framing this one.

I razorbill tshirt as you can see its black.

Than to try and get rid of things he was offering Frisbees. I thought it was cute so I nabbed one.

Thanks Razorbill for the prizes.

Then it was time for Jay, Lesley and Charles to make their appearances. The crowd was small but the ones who came out cheered them out.
This is Jay talking about his books Thirteen Reasons and The Future of Us. Both are fantastic books. If you haven't read them you really should.

Did you know both books have been optioned for movies?

You should check out Jay's blog

Next it was Lesley Livingston's turn to talk about her books: Wonderous Strange, Darklight, Tempestuous and Once Every Never.

OMG Lesley was super funny. She had the crowd laughing the whole time. If you ever get the chance to meet her you must she is amazing.

Lastly to speak was Charles de Lint about his books. I have to admit that I am not a sci fi person but he made them sound like books I want to read.

I am looking forward to reading Under My Skin very soon.

The authors did a Q&A after wards and so many great questions were asked from what are you working on now, Authors that inspire them and so much more. I was trying to think of something to ask but nothing was coming to mind.

Guess what Lesley showed us?
Starling was so pretty. I can't wait to read it when it comes out. I really hope that Lesley will come back to Montreal for more signings. (hint hint)

So after Q&A it was time to get our books signed. In a way I am so happy there wasn't alot of people there because it allowed us time to talk to the authors a little bit and not feel overly rushed.

I wish I would have gotten to speak with Charles a little bit more while he was signing my book but he was speaking with someone else.

And no Kathy (bermudaonion) I didn't mysteriously grow. I am standing on the stage beside Charles. He was very gracious posing for pictures with us.
I managed to find an anthology of short stories on the bargain table a few weeks ago at Chapters called Vampires The Recent Undead and I picked it up when I noticed Charles and a short story in it. He graciously signed the chapter for me. He also was handing out book marks as well.

He also graciously signed my copy of Under My Skin. This is his newest book and from what he said about it, it sounds really good. I am hoping to get to this very soon.

I love looking at authors signatures don't you?

I was looking forward to talking to Jay and meeting him. I actually tweeted just before he went to Vancouver to let him know I was going to be at the Montreal stop and he tweeted back.

He was so much fun to talk to even though it was very brief.

I am so happy he made it to Montreal and hope he comes back. Hmm perhaps when the movie is released? Hint hint
Jay graciously signed my copy of Thirteen Reasons Why. I really enjoyed the book so I am happy to have it signed. Have you read it? What did you think of it?
Jay also signed my copy of The Future of Us. This was another book I enjoyed and if you haven't read it yet you should.

Then last but certainly not least is:

Firstly I have to thank Jay Asher for taking this picture of Lesley and I. Thank You.

As you might notice I am a little red in the face and that was because just before taking this picture I got all fan girl on Lesley. She told me she has seen my blog and I was like "OMG really?" To hear that from an author was truly amazing and it makes blogging that much more fun now because you never know who is peeking in on you.

I truly loved how Lesley had different colored pens to sign for her books and I loved it.

Lesley graciously signed all my books and I am super excited to have them all signed now.

I love how each one is different.

I am looking forward to her other books that are coming out and will be coming out.
I have to say Lesley truly made my day/evening. Please feel free to stop by and take over my blog anytime you want Lesley.

I just want to send out a huge thank you to Razorbill and Penguin for organizing this amazing tour and bringing such fantastic authors to Montreal.

If you haven't read any of these books you really should. They are all truly amazing authors and go and see them if you have the chance.


  1. You had me at Jay Asher ... and I haven't even read his books. (Yet. :) Sounds like a fabulous evening! Your enthusiasm is contagious in this post. And if an author mentioned that they read my blog? I would probably faint.

  2. AHHHHH I ammm sooooooo sad I couldn't be there! I was actually in the worst 3 our exam FROM HELL! yes, it was an exam frommm hell! *CRIES*! At least my books got signed for me. I hope they come back!

  3. I love small author events for me and large ones for them, if that makes sense. You crack me up - I think you went fan girl before you even got to the event! lol I didn't think you'd grown, I just thought the author was vertically challenged. It sounds like a great evening - I'm glad you got to go!

  4. Sounds like you had a ball. Still wondering though why they did not do this one at the downtown store?

    Love your pictures - too bad, once again, none of these authors are authors that i read (sigh!). Would have love to see you get all 'fan girl'.....

  5. I LOVED LESLEY! I was at her book launch in Toronto for Once Every Never and she is so hilarious. :) I've met Charles de Lint at the Smart Chicks Kick It in Ottawa last year too. :) But have not met Jay Asher yet. *sigh* And I can't make it to Toronto tonight...

    Looks like your event was a lot of fun and I am happy that the authors stopped in Montreal. :)

  6. Isn't Lesley SO FUNNY? Oh man, she's hilarious and so nice. Sounds like a great time!! =)

  7. SNiff!!! I wish I could have been there!! T_T... I had my final psychology exam the same dat at the same time sniff not fair =(
    sniff! I just hope Razorbill will keep organizing amazing events like this one in the future, hopefully I wont have a final exam on the same date again sniff! I love your recap Cindy!! Great pictures! Im glad you were able to go sniff! =D

    Have a great week my dear! =D


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