Tuesday, April 17, 2012

(Review & Tour) Portal

Title: Portal :Portal Chronicles
Author: Imogen Rose
Pages: 344
Publisher: self published
Pub Date: January 2010

Source: I recieved a ebook for review from Bewitching Book Tours for my participation in the tour.

Come Find Me Two Years Ago...

Six words that propelled ice hockey playing tomboy, Arizona, into an alternate dimension.

She suddenly found herself in the past. In one moment she went from being an ice hockey playing teenager in New Jersey to a glamorous cheerleader in California. She found herself transported from a happy life with her dad, Dillard, to a new, strange one living with her mother whom she hates. Apparently it's a life she's always lived in.

Everyone knows her as Arizona Darley, but she isn't. She is Arizona Stevens.

As she struggles to find answers she is certain of one thing- that her mother Olivia, a brilliant physicist, is somehow responsible...

PORTAL is the story of the repercussions of Olivia Darley's attempt at creating a perfect world for herself and her children. Arizona's quest for answers threatens to undermine the seemingly perfect world that her mother has so carefully constructed.

PORTAL is the first book of the Portal Chronicles. Fans of time travel, romance, and the supernatural will enjoy Arizona's quest for answers.

Meet Imogen Rose
Imogen Rose is the author of the bestselling YA series, the Portal Chronicles. She was born in a small town in Sweden and moved to London in her twenties. After obtaining a PhD in immunology from Imperial College, she moved with her family to New Jersey, where she’s been based for the past ten years.

For as long as she can remember, Imogen has dreamt stories. Stories that continued from night to night, from dream to dream. So, even as a child, going to bed was never an issue, just an anticipation of the story to come.

PORTAL, Imogen’s first novel, would have remained in her imagination, to be shared only with her daughter, Lauren, had her eight-year-old not insisted that she write it down. In the course of a month, Imogen typed while Lauren waited eagerly by the printer for the pages to appear, and a novel took shape.

The warm reception PORTAL received encouraged her to continue with the story and the Portal Chronicles. The Bonfire Chronicles is Imogen’s new YA paranormal series.

Imogen is a self-confessed Hermès addict who enjoys shopping, traveling, watching movies and playing with her dog, Tallulah.


Bewitching Book Tours is fantastic with the selection of books they have on tour and I have managed to find some pretty good ones recently. What is nice about the books they have on tour is that they aren't something I would probably pick up on my own since I don't read alot of ebooks but from the ones I do find I always seem to enjoy them and this one was no exception. They are always the little hidden gem books which I love.

I really enjoyed it and this is the first book in a series. The other books in the series are: Equilibrium (2)Quantum (3) and Momentum (4). The fifth book Fusion is scheduled to release this summer.

I have to say that I was surprised that I enjoyed the book because its a sci fi romance and if you know me you know I don't read sci fi. I think it was the storyline, the characters and the fact that there was time traveling and a alternative dimensions that drew me into the book and there was always something happening that kept my interest.

The book is told in alternating points of view.

The story begins with the main character, Arizona's mother (Olivia)seventeen years ago. She is at a bar and meets a mysterious man in black. This mysterious man has got her mother infatuated with him. Hasn't that happen to us all at one point?

Here is where the book got really good and I had to read more because her mother was told to find him "Two years ago". What does that mean and is that supposed to mean anything?

Well of course it does because during the novel the mystery of those three words are slowly unraveled. I enjoyed how it was slowly raveled. It was enough to keep you interested in the book.

As for Arizona she is thrown from one world to the next without any recognition of she could be in one place one minute and then in another place the next moment. At first Arizona believes she is dreaming and I have to say Imogen describes it like it is a dream world. For Arizona she travels from the present to the past.

Now for the romance part of the book. Arizona finds herself a boyfriend. They had a cute relationship and he seemed like a sweet guy for her but the only thing I didn't like was that he was very protective of her and I thought at times it was a little too much.

I had a love/hate relationship with Olivia and it showed when I would mutter under my breath at her. She made so many bad mistakes and you could see over the course of the book all that she is done and yes we are all human and we make mistakes but sometimes we need to think long term before doing anything.

Thanks Bewitching Book Tours for allowing me to be on this book tour.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to read and review my book, and for hosting me on your blog. Imogen


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