Friday, April 20, 2012

The Mailbox Post (April 9th to 14th)

Since I am this months host of Mailbox Monday, I will be keeping the weekly Mailbox Monday Posts on top so that everyone can find the Mailbox post easily and leave their links. Please note that all new posts are following this one.

Can you believe its time for another IMM post? Where is the time going?

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

(OMG! This is true. This past week I have added a ton of books to my ever growing wish list. )

Mailbox Monday is originally hosted by Marcia from A girl and her books and The Printed Page. In the summer of 2010 Marcia decided she needed a change in hosting and didn't want to rely on one blogger alone to do it because its a lot of work so she decided to put Mailbox Monday on tour and so far with great success it has made monthly stops at more then a dozen blogs and this year is booked until the end. I will actually be hosting Mailbox Monday in April.

Another host for In My Mailbox is Kristi from The Story Siren.

Be sure to check out the above blogs to see what they and others got in their mailboxes this past week.

I am super excited because I am the host of Mailbox Monday for April. I am looking forward to discovering some new blogs this month. If you follow me please let me know so that I can go back and follow you. I have discovered so many new blogs this past week.

I don't have a vlog this week just because its been so busy here. It was a ped day here Monday and Tuesday so that meant no school for Michael and then during the early hours of Wednesday he woke up with a sore throat so he stayed home Wednesday and Thursday. Then we have been preparing for his birthday party with his friends today (Sunday) with shopping and loot bags. He went back to school on Friday because he had a hockey practice and a tournament game. They won 6-1 so that means by the time this goes up I will be sitting in a cold arena watching him and his team play the finals.

I would love it if they could end the season on a high note and win this tournament because the regionals and playoffs they came so close.

Anways enough of my ramblings.

This past week I got three books for review and a bunch of other goodies.
These are books bought through the Scholastic book club at Michael's school:

-Thea Stilton and the Secret of the Old Castle
-Puppy Pals origami
-Hockey Superstars Vol 2
-Combat Aircraft origami
-The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!

These are the books I recieved for review:

-The Vicious Deep by Zoraida Cordova RD April 2012

-Wish You Were Here by Beth K. Vogt (this is for an upcoming tour)

-The Adventures of Baby Jaimie: Baby Jaimie gets Stage Freight by Jaimie Hope

Thanks to everyone who sent the above books :)
Freebies I recieved this past week:

From the dentist I got: a new toothbrush/crest pro health toothpaste and floss.

-a purex laundry soap sample with coupons
-FPC for cottage cheese
-All bran bar was in a box of cereal I bought

Then last week I took part in a beta testing for Indigo and I was rewarded with a $25 giftcard :) (super excited about this one)

Then in the mail I also got this label to put in my book West of Wawa. Lisa was super sweet and sent it to me.

Thanks so much Lisa :)
I also got my April Topbox. There was so many great products in this months box that I am super excited to try. My review of the tube will be posted very soon. I am in the process of doing a vlog for this.

So this is what I got, what about you?


  1. You got a lot of books amongst other freebies there.

  2. Vance had The True Story of the Three Little Pigs - it's adorable! He would have loved Combat Aircraft Origami for sure!! Enjoy your new goodies Cindy and Michael!

  3. Oh how I miss ordering books from the Scholastic catalog! My dad wasn't big on me buying brand clothes or spending money on much of anything else, but he and my mom always let me buy books to my heart's content. I usually had one of the largest book orders in class. I really miss those days!

    The Vicious Deep sounds intriguing, can't wait to see your review!

  4. I think your books all look good. And I'm really curious about what's in the tube! Have a great week!

  5. I remember that True Story of the 3 little Pigs. That was a fun book. Those origami books look interesting. Are they simple enough for older kids to do by themselves (like 10ish age)?

  6. Wonderful mailbox! Hope you enjoy it....and I really, really love the bookish tree in your header.

  7. AHHH I'm sooo jealous that you got The Vicious Deep! I've been asking for a review copy for-like-ever!!! If ever you want to pass it on, you know who's your gal ;) haha! :). Enjoy all your freebees! Cannot wait to see your Topbox post! xoxo

  8. I can't wait to see what's in the tube. Enjoy your new books and goodies. I will link up tomorrow.

  9. I loved The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Have a great week!

  10. Kate-OMG I am always ordering from Scholastic and I am sure I am the teachers best buyer LOL I am always amazed at how easy it is to spend knowing the money is going back into the class.

    Lucy-Hun you know I will save that book for you. So its yours :)

    Creations-Thanks so much I had an awesome blogger do my blog for me and I love my header with the tree and owls

    Sarah my son is 9 years old and he loves doing it. I think some might be hard but I think if you have a parent handy it will be okay.

    The topbox review will be posted on Monday so check back for that

    kathy and here I thought the true story was a recent release LOL I actually read it and its super cute

  11. Is that 3 Little Pigs as in "I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!"? I loved that story as a child - my gran would do all the voices! Enjoy your week :-)

  12. Hi,

    This is my first visit to your blog and now I'm a new follower. I love that you have kids books on your blog and absolutely love your blog header! I think I'm going to include you in my IMM post. I love to make new friends!

  13. Looks like you and Michael got some real goodies, especially the gift card. What a nice thank you gift!

  14. I love the book fairs at my son's school - he always ends up spending more than I planned, but it's great to see him so excited about getting new books! I love the variety in your mailbox, too! Have a wonderful reading week!

  15. What a great mailbox for you this week! I got three books in the mail this week myself :)

  16. As a child I used to love bringing home those Scholastic book club brochures. My parents could not afford a book every time, but it was so exciting when they could and one of the parcels the teacher handed out had my name on it!

  17. Looks like you got some great freebies and books. Happy reading

  18. Looks like you had lots of goodies in your mailbox this week. Have fun reading your new books.

  19. Congrats on the fantastic week! Enjoy your books & other goodies!

  20. Awesome week! I wish my son's school would do a Scholastic Book Fair! They don't even send home the order forms anymore :(

    The Vicious Deep looks great! ;)

  21. I loved the Scholastic book club orders when I was in school. Those book orders along with library made me the reader I am today! Great memories!

  22. Sophia yea its the exact one. I am thinking when I read this next week in the school library the kids will love it.

    Debbie, thanks for stopping by I love discovering new blogs and bloggers i will be sure to add you.

    WE love scholastic book club and i am sure Michael's teacher is loving me lol becuase I am always buying from there.

  23. Wow! Look at all the goodies - and what is Topbox? That sounds fun! Have a great week Cindy!

  24. Wow, you had a great week by the looks of it. You got a fantastic haul of goodies and freebies. I am envious!

    New to your blog and I love your design!
    Stephanie @ Stepping Out of the Page


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