Saturday, April 07, 2012

(review & Tour) By the Light of the Silvery Moon

Title: By The Light of the Silvery Moon
Author: Tricia Goyer
Pub Date: March 2012
Publisher: Barbour Books
Pages: 320

Source: I received a copy of this book from Litfuse for my participation in a book tour.

About the book:
Remember the Titanic 100 years after its doomed voyage with Tricia Goyer’s fictional portrayal of one woman’s journey.

To Amelia Gladstone, this ship means promise of seeing family again. To Quentin Walpole, the Titanic represents a new start in America…if he can get on board. All seems lost until Amelia offers him a ticket, securing his passage—and bringing him face-to-face with his railroad tycoon father and older brother, Damian. As Amelia works to reconcile father and son, she finds herself the object of both brothers’ affection. Can she choose between two brothers? Or will she lose everything to the icy waters of the Atlantic?


This year we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Titanic tragedy.  I have seen quite a few books coming out based on this and I was a little curious. I have seen the movie (who hasn't?) .

This isn't something I would normally read but I loved the storyline of the book and I think Tricia Goyer did a fantastic job with this book. I was curious about Tricia and her books because I have been seeing amazing reviews on her books so I was excited when I got chosen to read and review this.

One thing I loved about the book was the characters and the storyline. Yes its basically about the Titanic sinking but its through the eyes of the passengers. There was more behing the characters I loved reading why they were there and why they had to be on that ship.

You can tell that Tricia did her research on this book because she put alot of historical facts into the book will mixing it up with fiction. If you are a fan of the Titanic you will probably enjoy this book.

Amelia  and her aunt are setting sail on the Titanic to head for America because she is going to meet Mr. Chapman, a man she has been corresponding with and who has paid for her passage. She is hoping that he could possibly be the man of her dreams.

You can tell that Amelia is a caring and giving person and she leads her life with her heart on her sleeve because when she witnesses  the ship’s officers throwing a man off the ship who appears to be hungry and homeless, Amelia gives him their spare ticket. Little does Amelia know that her life is about to change from this one gesture.
The man Amelia helps is Quentin Walpole and he was raised in wealthly family. When he asks for his share of the estate he goes crazy and looses it all leaving him with absolutely nothing to his name.  He is hoping that perhaps sneaking on board the Titanic and heading to America will change his luck. Although he is seen and thrown off the ship but with the generosity of Amelia he takes this as a sign things will work out and he will be okay.

Although Quentin thinks he is leaving all his problems behind he quickly realizes that he will soon have to encounter them and face them head on.

I really enjoyed this and want to thank Litfuse for allowing me to be a part of this blog tour.


  1. Titanic books are going to be huge this year. I'm glad you enjoyed this one.

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