Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 10 Book Blogger New Year's Challenge: New Things You Will be Doing This Year

We are slowly counting down and there is only a few days left in this fun challenge.
Today is day 10 and the topic is: New Things You Will Be Doing This Year

With every new year, as a blogger you try and find ways to stand out amongst all the other bloggers (in good ways and not bad) with content etc. I am no exception to the rule.
This year something new will be happening to Cindy's Love of Books and its a good thing I think for my blog. I can't tell you what it is just yet but as soon as I get more details I will let you know.

Also for this year I am going to branch out much more then I did last year with doing some features and product reviews. I am going to test the waters and work on my own features and pray to god that no one has done one of my ideas LOL
This year I will also be working on my content. I need to write better and say what I am thinking in my blog posts.
I will also be attempting to work on commenting alot more both of my blog and twitter.  With that I am going to attempt to make my facebook page work and sync it with my blog.
I am also going to step out of my comfort zone and not be afraid to contact companies, publishers etc I need to do this. I did some of it in December and got great results so I want to pursue that more.
What do you have planned for this year?

1 comment:

  1. You've got some great ideas, especially with stepping outside of your comfort zone to contact publishers! For some reason, that has always scared me. Good luck! :)


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