Monday, February 10, 2014

Guest Post/ Addison Fox author of The Billionaire's Demands & Contest

Title: The Billionaire’s Demands
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Addison Fox
Publisher: Entangled Indulgence
Pages: 162
Language: English
Format: Ebook

Booth Harrison has made a habit of getting what he wants, be it a new addition to the Harrison media empire, or a better relationship with his half-brother. But meeting his brother’s new sister-in-law, Camryn McBride, poses a new challenge. The savvy CFO of McBride Media has a brain he wants to pick…and a body he needs to claim.

Camyrn has spent the past few years helping to rebuild her family’s magazine company, focusing on that rather than her disastrous personal life. But when Booth Harrison invites her to be the keynote speaker at a sales conference in Hawaii, she’s tempted to combine business with pleasure.
But meeting the billionaire’s demands won’t be easy, because someone doesn’t want a merger between them to happen.


The Joys of a Towering TBR Pile
Addison Fox

I’m so excited to visit with Cindy today. She’s a voracious book reader which I can relate to since I’m rarely without a book (or 3) on me, and she’s got the most gorgeous website. I’m totally in love with the image in the page header!!

I bring up being a voracious reader because I truly believe it’s my love of reading that has translated to my goals and dreams of being a writer. I am a word junkie – if there’s something written in front of me I can’t NOT look at it, read it, think about it and take it in.

Recently, my friend and critique partner, Allie Burton, was visiting and she teased me about how many books I have around the house. But as we got deeper into the discussion, we both agreed how great it feels to have that ready supply of stories all around us. I also think it’s my love of stories that causes me to think in series/trilogies. I love to read interconnected books and when I imagine my own characters and their stories, I quickly see them with their loved ones surrounding them, contributing to who they are as individuals.

That was the genesis of my Boardrooms and Billionaires series. Three sisters – Keira, Camryn and Mayson McBride – are working to bring back their family magazine empire. The women know the business is their legacy and they’re determined to carry it on for future generations. Of course, three women who have the gumption to focus on their goals and dreams need some pretty powerful men and that’s where Nathan, Booth and Holt come in!

THE BILLIONAIRE’S DEMANDS is the culmination of the Boardrooms and Billionaires trilogy. Camryn McBride is the company’s CFO and she sees herself as the quiet, calculating (literally!) member of her family. She’s comfortable with numbers and spreadsheets and doesn’t quite see how her own subtle vibrancy is as powerful as her sisters’ more flashy personas.

Of course, Booth Harrison has no problem seeing Camryn’s subtle beauty – both inside and out – and he’s determined to show her the same. A bit of intrigue and a lot of sexy banter quickly puts these two on the path to something more powerful than either of them could have imagined.

So what about you? What draws you to a series? And do you enjoy revisiting with characters you’ve met in earlier books? Since I’m always looking for a good book, I’d love to hear some of your favorites. After all, a gal’s To-Be-Read pile can never be too high!

Happy Reading!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Addison is giving away a $100 Amazon gift card to all who enter this contest during her blog tour for THE BILLIONAIRE’S DEMANDS. (US Residents have the option to substitute a B&N gift card if they prefer).



Despite early ambitions of being a diver, a drummer or a doctor, Addison Fox happily discovered she was more suited to life as a writer. She lives in Dallas and - thankfully - doesn't have to operate on anyone. You can find her at her home on the web at You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter at:


I was so thrilled to have you stop by and guest post today Addison. If your looking for some really good books I have to suggest Terry Spear. She comes highly recommended Addison. I pretty much devour her books.

Thanks to Tracee from Pump Up Your Book for arranging this guest post for me.


  1. Good characters. If I want to keep reading about them after the first book, that's a huge draw for me.

  2. Looks like an intriguing book. Looking forward to reading it.

  3. My news resolution become a better voracious book reader :) Can't wait to read this one!

  4. SOunds like a good read! Thanks for the contest!


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