Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Losing Logan An Early Book Review

Title: Losing Logan
Author: Sherry D. Ficklin
Pub Date: May 6th, 2014
Publisher: Clean Teen Publishing

Source: Sherry sent me an earc of her book to read and review.

About the book:
What if the one thing you never meant to hold on to, was the one thing you couldn’t let go of?
Normally finding a hot guy in her bedroom wouldn’t irritate Zoe so badly, but finding her childhood friend Logan there is a big problem. Mostly because he’s dead.

 As the only person he can make contact with, he talks Zoe into helping him put together the pieces surrounding his mysterious death so he can move on. Thrust into his world of ultra popular rich kids, Zoe is out of her element and caught in the cross-hairs of Logan’s suspicious ex-girlfriend and the friends he left behind, each of whom had a reason to want him dead. The deeper they dig to find the truth, the closer Zoe gets to a killer who would do anything to protect his secrets. And that’s just the start of her problems because Zoe is falling for a dead guy

I literally just finished reading Losing Logan, the newest upcoming release by Sherry D. Ficklin.

I was lucky enough to be asked a little awhile ago to take part in her cover reveal and I quickly jumped on that because Sherry is a new author to me that I was lucky enough to meet her when I went to BEA last year. She was so much fun to meet and hang out with.

Sherry is the author of numerous YA books and I think she is an author to be on the look out for. I am excited to check out her other books now and Losing Logan will be one book that I will be purchasing when it comes out in May.

When I took part in the cover reveal I got to find out what the book was about and I knew this was one book I had to get my hands on ASAP, I probably would have sold my first born to get a copy of this, thankfully it didn't resort to that because shortly after posting the cover reveal Sherry sent me a earc of the book.

Like her first book,  Extracted that I read last year I really wanted to take my time reading this book and devouring every word. I love the way Sherry writes because she makes her books sounds so real and believable. The writing was fantastic in my opinion.

I love the cover of the book and her dedication inside. You will have to pick up the book to find out more about that but all I have to say is Sherry you showed them.

Okay, what can I say about Losing Logan? The only words that came to mind are breathe taking. This is by far one of my favorite reads of 2014 and I'm not just saying that because I know Sherry. I really really loved the book.

Zoe, isn't your typical high school girl. She isn't popular but she is active within the school and her only friend is Carlos. Shortly before school begins her childhood friend, Logan is found dead. Its been years since Logan and Zoe where friends. They stopped being friends when they hit middle school when in reality it seems like alot of the friendships changed. I know it did for me. Did they change for you?

Zoe doesn't want to be at the viewing and gets Carlos to cover for her and its when she is leaving that she gets the shock of her life. She can actually see Logan. She thinks its all a joke at first but the quickly freaks out. How can she be seeing dead people? Logan assures Zoe that he is really dead and needs her help to find out why he is still there. Why is he there?

For me this was a page turner because I was curious to see why he was there. Losing Logan kept me awake a few times because just when I thought I was going to put the book down and go to bed something would happen that would make me continue reading.

I was curious to find out how Logan really died and so was Logan. He pushed Zoe into his group of friends and it was within that new group of friends that Zoe grew into a beautiful character. I wish my high school experience could have been like hers with the exception to seeing dead people of course.

Zoe quickly meshes into her new group of friends, gains so girlfriends and even nabs the cute lacrosse boyfriend, Kyle. I know Zoe went into this group with the plans of finding out who was responsible for Logan's death but she walked away with so much more.

Throughout the book you can see that Zoe thought more of Logan then just a friend and so did he and its too bad it didn't happen before but I have to say that as much as I loved Logan I really loved Kyle. He was the perfect boyfriend for Zoe.

I was totally surprised when we discovered how Logan was killed and why and by who because I thought it was someone else and was completely shocked when it was revealed but it all made sense in the end.

Just a little FYI if your going to read this book please make sure you have some tissues handy because you will cry as well as laugh out loud.

I really loved reading this and I think you would too. If your looking for something new and exciting to read then I highly recommend this, you won't be disappointed.

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