Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Release Blitz of Such Sweet Sorow

Such Sweet Sorrow by Jenny Trout

Never was there a tale of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo…

But true love never dies. Though they’re parted by the veil between the world of mortals and the land of the dead, Romeo believes he can restore Juliet to life, but he’ll have to travel to the underworld with a thoroughly infuriating guide.
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, may not have inherited his father’s crown, but the murdered king left his son a much more important responsibility—a portal to the Afterjord, where the souls of the dead reside. When the determined Romeo asks for help traversing the treacherous Afterjord, Hamlet sees an opportunity for adventure and the chance to avenge his father’s death.

In an underworld filled with leviathan monsters, ghoulish shades, fire giants, and fierce Valkyrie warriors, Hamlet and Romeo must battle their way through jealousy, despair, and their darkest fears to rescue the fair damsel. Yet finding Juliet is only the beginning, and the Afterjord doesn’t surrender souls without a price…

Title: Such Sweet Sorrow
Author: Jenny Trout
Genre: Teen Fantasy, Fairy-tale Retelling
Length: 304 pages
Release Date: February 2014
Print ISBN: 978-1-62266-158-9
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-62266-159-6
Imprint: Teen

Buy Now with the following links:





1 comment:

  1. I don't know about this. .. The cover looks soooo much like Masque of the Red Death. I love Shakespeare, but the plot makes me think this will either be amazing or horrible. lol


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