Thursday, February 27, 2014

Review/ Shadow Town

Title: Shadow Town (Maggie Lane Chronicles #1)
Author: Robyn Jones
Published: January 29, 2014
Genre: New Adult, Paranormal Romance

Goodreads Summary: 

By day, nineteen-year-old Maggie Lane is property manager of Pearl Estates, a posh housing community owned by her father and occupied by Shadows. By night, she's a waitress at a local dive. When a girl at her night job disappears, she dives into Scooby mode. She might be able to handle a missing waitress on her own, but when a new Shadow moves in next door and turns her into a blushing, flirting, love-crazed girl, her need for answers unearths nightmares from her past and monsters of the here and now. It's possible her bad attitude might not be enough to carry her through.

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Robyn Jones is the author of several books and this is my first introduction to her and her books.

I am always excited to read new authors. When I read the summary of the book I had to say it peaked my interested and I couldn't wait to read and review.

I have to start off by saying that I did find it started out slow for me because I was confused as to who and what the Shadows were and I wish more information was given about that but it was slowly given throughout the book.

I thought for sure I wouldn't finish the book but then I got to the point where I literally couldn't but it down. I realized that was why Robyn did what she did and I am happy she did.

This is the first book in the Maggie Lane Chronicles. I want to say its part paranormal romance and mystery because that is what this book is. Its got paranormal things as well as many mysteries that need to be solved and eventually it all comes together.

Maggie is the main character in the book. She is a young, tough, brave, and fierce woman. She has put up a wall around herself to protect herself because we discover that she didn't have the ideal life in fact you can say someone like her didn't deserve to have gone through what she did. She was abused mentally, physically and emotionally.

The only one person she can truly rely on is her best friend Branden. He is the kind of friend everyone wants and that is really the only male in her life that she allows in. What will Maggie do when she realizes that there is more to him then she actually knows?

 She has sworn to fight for the people who can't fight for themselves. I don't want to call her a bully but she would be the kind of friend I would want in my corner and to protect me.

Now Maggie has a special ability and that is seeing the Shadows. Its only as the course of the book goes on that Maggie realizes there is more then meets the eye. Can she handle what she is about to find out?

I loved how Robyn wrote Shadow Town because it was fantastic. As I was reading I literally could picture this very posh community. The characters were all great and fitted into the story very well and there was a few such as Damon and Michael that I hope will make an appearance in the next book because I would love to know more about them. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Cindy! The whole gang plus a few new characters will be back this fall. Oh, and someone unexpected gets a short novella this summer.


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