Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Review/ Nate Rocks The City

Title: Nate Rocks The City (Book 4)
Author: Karen Pokras Toz
Pub Date: February 2014
Pages: 142
Publisher: Grand Daisy Press

Source: I was provide a ebook for my review.

Hey New York! Are you ready for Nate Rocks?

Fifth grader Nathan Rockledge has been counting down the days—and meals—until his class trip to New York City. Now that the big event is finally here, he can barely stand the excitement. After all, isn’t this what being a fifth grader is all about? Oh sure, his Mom is one of the chaperones, his annoying sister Abby is tagging along, and that know-it-all classmate, Lisa, will be there as well. However, none of that matters. Not when he’ll be with his best friends, Tommy and Sam.

While seeing the sights, his teacher wants his class to take notes, but Nathan has other ideas. With paper and pencil in hand, Nathan prefers to doodle, transforming himself into Nate Rocks, boy hero. Amid ninja pigeons to fend off, aliens to attack, and the baseball game of the century to save, will Nate Rocks be able to save the day one more time?

As a mom to a ten year old I am always looking for great books for him to read and I think I stumbled onto a great series, Nate Rocks.

This is the fourth book in the series and I have to say you probably don't have to read the books in order but I am sure that I will have to purchase them in order for Michael to read them. He is very much like me and he likes to read books in order and not jump all over the place.

Nate Rockledge aka Nate Rocks is eleven years old and loves adventures of all kinds. Which is just the perfect book for  boys. I know Michael will really enjoy the books.

The book was a pretty quick read and I read it pretty fast. It was actually in one sitting.

One of the perks to being a fifth grader for Nate is the annual grade five school trip to New York City. (Who doesn't love NYC?) Nate is excited and while he is waiting for his parents to fill out the form Nate begins to day dream.

In this day dream their is a huge robot and he has decided to make trouble in the city. The mayor has come to ask Nate to help him and his city. Quick thinking Nate leaps into action and saves the day. Everyone is happy that the robot is gone and the town is once again safe.

Nate was so involved in his day dream that he didn't realize he was drawing all over his permission slip.

I can only image how exciting this kind of trip would be for a child as I have seen groups of kids touring NYC when I was there. Its a beautiful and magical city.

Anyways back to the book. The grade 5's are all excited until the find out the news that the trip might be cancelled due to not enough funding. The kids brain storm to come up with ways to raise the funds for this trip.

Its was nice to read how these kids brain stormed on ways to raise the money. I love reading and watching kids come up with ideas. Not everyone will get along or have the same ideas but its nice to see kids find a way to make things work and they did with the help of some teachers. I love the little lesson that the kids learn along the way that Dreams do come true.

I think if your a parent looking for a great series of books that involve imagination this is the series for you.

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