Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Mailbox Post (March 10th - 15th)

Its hard to believe its that time of the week for another mailbox post. Can you believe we are already at the end of February? Time is just flying by.

The hosts of the mailbox memes are:

Tynga's Reviews

Tynga's Reviews is the host of Stacking the Shelves and the other host is Mailbox Monday which now has its own blog.

Mailbox Monday will no longer be hosted monthly by different bloggers.


I have to say that I didn't think that I would have anything to post this week because I honestly thought I wouldn't be buying any books this week but with Michael going back to school this past week and discovering that he was going to have to do a book report on the Holocaust.

He came home on Monday saying that the teacher had started to read this book:

Its Greater Than Angels by Carol Matas.

With the Holocaust being a heavy and sensitive subject I want to be careful about what Michael is reading. I want him to know things and there are things I don't want him to know right now as he is only 10 years old. So when he said the teacher was reading this I bought it for my kobo to read.

He will also have a book report to do so I bought him these two books that I am going to read to make sure its okay for him.

Then I was bad and picked up a book for myself..ya I know LOL

So this is what I got this past week. I hope you had a good week.

1 comment:

  1. I hope they're all terrific, but I know the Holocaust books will be sad.


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