Friday, March 28, 2014

Review / The Kelley Diaries

Title: The Kelley Diaries Book 1: Lawson
Author: Morgan Black
Publisher: Metamorphosis Books
Pub Date: February 2014
Pages: 30

I was given an ebook for my review.

About The Book:

Kelley Carson is successful, beautiful, and celibate. But that last part certainly isn't by choice. Seems every time Kelley meets someone who might be able to help her scratch her physical itch something always goes terribly wrong.

Then she meets Lawson; a hot real estate attorney, who by the looks of him doesn't have a problem getting ladies into bed, and she desperately wants him to take her home.

Will she make it through one date without totally screwing it up? Or will she go home alone again?
This is Kelley’s first entry in her diary of her dating mishaps. Look for part two in April 2014.

*This is a short erotic romance, not suitable for readers under the age of 18*


This is the first in what I think will be a series of ebooks. The next book is coming out next month and I can't wait to read it.

The Kelley Diaries are told in a diary format which is always fun. This was a fun quick read which I have been enjoying alot lately because with a busy hockey season I feel as though I haven't read alot of books and reading some novella's makes me feel like I am still doing alot of reading.

Morgan has several books under her name such as The Fireside Series (Ablaze & Flames), and Afternoon Delights. She also writes under the name M. Black. This is the first time I have heard of the author but I think I would be interested in checking out her other books eventually but I do know I want to read book 2 in this series.

Since its a quick and fast read I really won't go into a full review because I will give the book away but if your looking for a funny read I have to suggest this. It was no stop all the way through and it wasn't that over the top with a far fetched story line.

This is more of a book for 18+. I couldn't help but hope that Kelley would make it through her date without screwing it but you know how all first dates go. I liked Lawson but he is definitely not a one lady guy and comes off knowing he is hot and could have any one he wanted. Will Kelley be the next one?

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